As part of our PSHE lesson, we had to decide on a charity fundraising event and then organise it. After a class discussion we decided on a mini-cake sale. In our afternoon lesson, we made posters to advertise this whole-school event. We planned how many cakes we needed to make or buy. We then organised where we would position the tables on the playground and finally, we had to decide on the prices of the cakes, which were 20p or 50p.
At breaktime, all classes ran out, looking like headless chickens, to try and buy the best cakes – they were extremely excited! They appeared like a herd of elephants chasing their prey. Ashton Butlin exclaimed: “I sold eleven cakes in three minutes!”
We used our communication and teamwork skills to raise a wonderful £122 for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). We decided on this charity after having a democratic class vote. Our next debate will be on how to spend the money wisely within the WWF. Do we sponsor three animals for a year? Do we donate it and allow the WWF to make the decision as to spend it where it is most needed? Or do we specifically put it towards the WWF Australian Bush Fire appeal? By Ashton, Gracie and Noah (Year 5)