The safeguarding of our pupils, parents and staff is paramount at Wingrave CE School.

Safeguarding is about protecting a person’s health, well-being and human rights, enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect. This includes our Prevent duty and safeguarding someone from radicalisation and becoming involved in or supporting terrorism.

If you have concerns about any member of our community please share this  immediately with one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads who are named and pictured below.

Our latest Safeguarding & Prevent Policy can be found here.

If your concerns are regarding a member of staff please contact the Headteacher via the school office: 01296 681 436 or directly at

If your concerns are about the Headteacher, please contact our Chair of Governors, Elizabeth Freedman, via the school office: 01296 681 436 or

If at any time you think someone is at risk of immediate harm, please call the Police on 999

Concerns and advice can also be discussed with specialist organisations using the links below: